Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome to The Searchers Club!

The ‘Searcher’s Club’, formed in January 2010, is an informal Masonic study group, whose membership is open to any Master Mason in good standing with a just and duly constituted Lodge in amity with the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. Attendance of meetings is volitional, and is not restricted to any specific Lodge, district, state, or country. The name of the club derives from the concept that while Masonic Candidates seek light within the Craft, Master Masons search for the Masonic Lost Word- hence, the Searcher’s Club.

The purpose of the ‘Searcher’s Club’ is to provide an opportunity for Master Mason’s to take fellowship with Brethren under the auspices of studying, discussing, and analyzing items of direct interest within the Blue Lodge degree’s- Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. The ‘Searcher’s Club’ is not intended as a substitute or alternative for any presently established course of Masonic study (e.g. LSOME, Road to the East, etc.) provided by either a just and duly constituted Grand Lodge or Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons or Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. At best, the topics studied, discussed, and analyzed within the ‘Searcher’s Club’ serve only as supplemental information addendum to the individual Brother’s present course of learning.