Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What's the Name of that City in Egypt?


•Chi & Ro are the Greek letters Χ and ρ, respectively. 
•Chi is the Greek variant of the Egyptian/Kemetic "Ka", which was perceived as the vital essence of a being, with death occurring when the ka left the body.
•Both Chi and Ka are references to animating Energy.
•Ro, Ra, Re, Ri are all references to the Sun.
•Ka ra te (karate) is a Japanese variant of the Chinese word "Chi Gung", both referencing an energy flow or manipulation with the empty hands.
•Chi Ro practic is a healing art performed with the empty hands, anciently originating in Kemet, modernly re-originating in Iowa by the practices is Dr. David Palmer.
•The spelling of Christ in Greek is "Χριστός", the first two letters of which are the Chi and Ro.
•The miraculous deeds attributed to the Christ were performed with his hands, his empty hands.
•Christ is a title, not a name.
•The suffix "-ist" is Latin for "one who" does the quality of the root preceding the "ist," i.e. dentist, botanist.
•As a title, Christ is synonymous to "Chiro-ist," one who practices "Chiro"- healing with empty hands, manipulating the animating energies of Life.

Take from this what you will.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Scottish Rite Masonry

Brother Ramirez has come through again with another informative video...Thank you my Brother!

James Wasserman Speaks at the Robert Livingston Masonic Library

On Wednesday June 6, at 6 P.M., best selling author James Wasserman will be presenting a discussion entitled, "Freemasonry and the Temple of Solomon: From Ancient Israel to Secret Societies," based upon his book of the same name. Brother James has spoken at the Robert Livingston Masonic Library previously, having presented on the Craft and its contributions to Western Civilization. On this occasion, his discussion will  address the Temple of Solomon. Additionally, copies of his book will be available for purchase.

While the formal portion of the lecture is expected to conclude in time for the Brethren to attend to their labors, those who are able to are welcomed to stay into the evening.

The Searchers Club supports this event, and looks forward to seeing you all there!

Sacred Geometry Explained Part 1 of 2

We have our Brother Javier Ramirez to thank for this video submission. Thank you my Brother!

Monday, May 21, 2012

York Rite Freemasonry

Pleiades Alignment in Full Glory!!!

On May 20, 2012, for the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun and Moon, and the constellation responsible for our spiritual evolution and ascension, the mystic Pleiades, will align in a spectacular, full Annular Solar Eclipse and a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen between the Earth, the Sun and, our central Sun, Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation…”

“The Pleiades was clearly revered by the Mayans, who in the area of Chichen Itza knew that the Sun casts a snake-like shadow on the side of the north stairway of the Kukulcan pyramid during the spring equinox. Some scholars have calculated that about 60 days after this shadow’s appearance, when the sun reaches its zenith over the Pyramid at mid-day (May 20 – May 23), there is another direct alignment with the Pleiades. This Pleiades-sun alignment may have a direct connection with Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent that came to bring a greater wisdom to the planet.”

“The ancient Egyptians also singled out the Pleiades as a female goddess, probably most often recognized as Neith, the ‘Divine Mother’, or Hathor, who took on the form of a cow (who carried the seeds of life). Pyramidologists working in Egypt in the last twelve years have found pyramidal texts that suggest the Egyptians revered the Pleiades as a higher divine star system, especially Alcyone, its brightest star.”

“The Pleiades are a well-known sight in the Northern Hemisphere in winter and in the Southern Hemisphere in summer, and have been known since ancient times to cultures all around the world. Early Dakota stories speak of the ancestors as being the Pleiades. The Hopis called the Pleiadians the ‘Chuhukon’, meaning those who cling together. They considered themselves direct descendents of the Pleiadians.”

“Navajos named the Pleiades the ‘Sparkling Suns’, the home of the ‘Black God’. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness. The Cree claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood. Some Native Americans believed that all tribes in North America came from the Pleiades. That they were actually descendants and had been given a task by the Pleiadians to keep the Earth safe.”

© Copyright 2012 – International Metaphysical University. All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 23, 2012

Charity: The Seventh Masonic District of Manhattan

As Brethren of the Seventh Masonic District of Manhattan, we support many different philanthropic organizations that care for indigent as well as physically and mentally disadvantaged youngsters. A few examples of charities that we extend a helping hand to are Child Life at Beth Israel, Rhinelander Children’s Center, Ballets Tech Foundation and Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center. For a complete list of charities we currently assist, please visit the Seventh District Foundation. We currently offer $350,000 annually to charities in the State of New York. We continue look to the Brethren of the Seventh District to help support our efforts. 

You Make the Difference.

The Seventh District Association would not be able to support the needy children of our community without the generous support of people like you. The recipients of our charity are often poor, uninsured and unable to afford adequate medical care. They may have special needs that go unmet without our help. They have nowhere else to turn except to the organizations whose support we fund with your donations. For your generous support, we thank you for them.

I'm Ready to Donate Now.

There are several ways for you to make a donation. Perhaps the easiest is to use our PayPal service, where you can use a credit card or your own PayPal account to securely transfer funds to our account. Just click on the DONATE button and follow the safe and easy instructions.

Click here for Pay Pal Link

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Euclidean Geometry as a Base.

Euclid's Elements also include the following five "common notions":
1- Things that are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another.
2- If equals are added to equals, then the wholes are equal.
3- If equals are subtracted from equals, then the remainders are equal.
4- Things that coincide with one another equal one another.
5- The whole is greater than the part.

Conclusion: Equality seems to be the basic geometrical principle which allows for all things to co-exist on the level.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's in an Apron?

When I first was received into the Ancient and Accepted Order of Freemasonry, I was told that there would be nothing as symbolic of purity as my Masonic apron.

Since that short time ago, I have seen many varied and beautiful Masonic aprons, all worn with pride by the men who displayed them.

During that same time, I have also heard many men express discontent at the embellishment of apron, citing that such superfluities detracted, and even perhaps even disgraced, the symbol of the Masonic apron. In either case, I understand both presentations.

It seems that a man, full of pride about his travels in Freemasonry, is apt to display that pride, it it seems most convenient to do so on the surface of an apron. There are those that would say that the apron should remain unblemished, as this is what we as Masons strive for, purity of self as symbolized by the wearing of an unadorned apron. Yet others would say, that as we move in the profane world, we are apt to collect the superfluities of life, and they are perhaps symbolized by the magnificently adorned aprons that many wear.

In Colorado, this dispute reached a climax when the Grandmaster of Colorado, Most Worshipful Brother Karl J. Hinkle issued a proclamation stating that all Masonic aprons worn by the Brethren of that jurisdiction, must conform to the approval of that state's Grand Lodge.

I've included a picture of our Most Worshipful Brother because I believe it exemplifies both a choice and steadfast commitment and to a belief that the State of Colorado seems to be sincere in upholding- even the Grand Lodge aprons of that State are "plain white aprons with the Seal of the Grand Lodge attached to the center of the flap portion of the apron."

To read more about the decision of the Grandmaster of Masons of the State of Colorado, click the link and enjoy the read. When you're done, form an opinion.

Just make it an informed opinion.

Bro. Earnest

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Searcher's Club Report:


 “The Masonic Legacy of Bro. Joseph Diele:
An Examination of a Life in the Quarries.”

On Monday February 20, 2012, The Searchers Club the held a round table discussion and "An Examination of the Masonic Legacy of Bro. Joseph Diele: An Examination of a Life in the Quarries.”  The meeting was held in the Livingston Masonic Library in Masonic Hall, NYC, with RW Tomas Savini, Executive Director of the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library as host and resident expert for the discussion. The focus of the evening centered on two boxes of memorabilia sent by a friend, the daughter of the late Brother Joseph A. Diele, to Brother Darryl Perry of Joseph Warren-Gothic Lodge. Brother Perry was one of the early organizers of the Searchers Club together with Brother Earnest Hudson.  Brother Perry received the bequeathed items for assessment and evaluation.

Over nearly 40 years Brother Joe A. Diele led a full and very varied Masonic career at home and abroad, leaving behind a small treasure trove of Masonic related items such as most Brother Masons tend to collect over a lifetime. These included key chains, pins, ceremonial jewels, certificates of commendation and rank, hats and jewels pertaining to the Scottish Rite and fezzes from two Shriner'sTemples among other items found in the boxes.

From what was "discovered"  amid the many artifacts, it was discerned that Brother Joseph had conferred upon him the Exalted 33rd Degree of the Scottish Rite. He was a District Deputy in Japanand Korea for several successive terms. He served as District Deputy Grand Master, China District Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1980 and again in 2000. He was Worshipful Master of his mother Lodge, Sinim LodgeJapan, under the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1986. He also organized and helped build the new Tokyo Masonic Center.

With some twenty Masons present at the Searchers Club meeting, there  were several Brothers with many years of vast Masonic experiences. These included RW Bill Thomas, RW Kurt Ott,  RW and retired Army Col. Brother John Chang, and RW Ron Steiner, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Public Relations Committee. RW Steiner gave a background  history of Freemasonry in Asia. There was also a discussion of current, modern Freemasonry in the Orient. RW.: Tom Savini, contributed many important points to our understanding.

The evening proved to be somber, engaging, and informative as Masons meditated out loud to the group, and in sidebar commentary, the amount of time and dedication required to amass these treasured items over Brother Diele's lifetime in the quarries of our craft.  It also showed that no material object can possibly convey the richness of the experience that we, as Masons, share together.

Bro. Darrell B. Perry
Joseph Warren-Gothic Lodge #934


Monday, March 12, 2012

The Bee Hive: Further Light on This Symbol

I have the pleasure of being part of several interesting groups on Facebook, and it never ceases to amaze me as to how seemingly unrelated groups can post items that I find of interest for the other groups to which I belong. Recently, I came across an article that, while discussing human evolution, noted some interesting facts about bee's. I found the writing so interesting, and the implications so far reaching, that I felt it had to be shared among the Brethren. Below, you will find the article's excerpt regarding bee culture. If you would like to read the article in its entirety, here's the link: 
"Generally a group of insects like bees will move from behaving as individuals to forming colonies when they are storing food (like honey or pollen) that comes from multiple sources. At that point, a colony has a better chance of surviving than an individual.
Could Humans Evolve into a Giant Hive Mind?But the big transition moment from individual to colony — like the yeast snowflake moment — comes when two bees engage in a division of labor. Hölldobler believes the first division of labor is probably when one insect becomes a reproducer and the other takes care of her babies instead of reproducing herself. She sacrifices her ability to reproduce for the greater good of the burgeoning colony. This crude division is between a reproductive caste and a worker caste. In a typical bee colony, you have bees who care for the young, make honey, and forage for food — and that's just the beginning. Highly complex ant societies have many other castes, including things like farmer castes, garbage collector castes, and major fighter castes who are ants fed special foods to make them grow much larger than other ants in the colony.
What's truly amazing about these insect societies is that, despite the familiar terminology, they don't actually have a queen or ruling class. The queen is simply part of the reproductive caste, ensuring that the hive has a lot of genetic similarity (like our multicellular yeast) and continues to produce young. But each worker has evolved what Hölldobler calls an "algorithm" for making decisions about what jobs to do when, based on communicating with other insects and what caste it is currently in (bees, for example, pass through several castes as they age). There is no insect who is a master controller, who understands the totality of what's happening in the hive.
So colony societies or superorganisms evolve when some individuals give up their reproductive rights and create a division of labor. This scenario is often a response to environmental pressures, such as the need to store food from many sources and protect against many enemies at once. Colonies only survive because they are fitter than individuals in such environments, and there are examples of colony organisms gradually evolving back into individuals when the environment changes.
It seems to me that it is possible that our earlier Brethren understood this dynamic, and alluded to the success of bee colonies as a template for the success of Freemasonry as an institution. Is this not what is encouraged within our Lodge rooms so as to perpetuate our noble and glorious Craft? In this metaphor, the Temple becomes the hive, and all act accordingly. 
I would be interested to hear from the Brethren regarding this thought Please sound off and voice your opinion! For more reading about the beehive, check out what the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon have to say about it: Freemasonry & Bee's.
Bro. Earnest

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fiction of the Weeping Virgin by Robert B. Folger, 33°

Brethren, I found a great article that gives a quaint and concise interpretation of this astronomical imagery. If you are interested in pursuing this line of inquiry, please click the links in this post.

I hope and trust that you will enjoy it as much as I have.

Brother Earnest

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Grand Masonic Lodge of Japan

Brother Joe Diele, whose Masonic items we will be investigating on Monday, February 20, was instrumental in funding and constructing the Grand Lodge building for the Grand Lodge of Japan. This video shows how it was so beautified and adorned. Exquisite workmanship indeed!

Diele, Joe A, Deputy in Japan and Korea- Appointed 9-1-76
Master- Sinim Lodge , Japan, under the Grand Lodge of MA -1986
Grand Lodge: District Deputy Grand Master, China District, Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts- 1980, 2000

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Searchers Club
Presents a Very Special Evening…

“The Masonic Legacy of Bro. Joseph Diele:  
An Examination of a Life in the Quarries.”

Brethren of all Ranks, Stations, and Places are cordially invited to attend!

Brother Joe A. Diele lay down his working tools of life about five (5) years ago, leaving behind a small treasure trove of items that Masons tend to collect in the journey to their final quarry.  Not knowing what to do with it, his daughter turned it over for disposal to the Searchers Club- to examine and investigate these items and glean what we can from the Masonic work of a Brother.  Everything is collected within two (2) boxes except one Certificate of his Conferral to the Exalted 33rd Degree. Bro. Diele was a Deputy in Japan and Korea; appointed 9-1-76.

·     *Grand Lodge: District Deputy Grand Master, China District Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts- 1980, 2000
·    *Master- Sinim Lodge , Japan, under the Grand Lodge of MA -1986

As he was active in the Japan and China Grand Lodges, we have invited, Ret Army Col. Brother John Chang to participate and share any knowledge he may have about the Lodges and the artifacts. Additionally, DDGM William H. Sohni- Seventh Manhattan, RW Ron Steiner-Grand Lodge Public Relations, and RW Tom Savini- Director of New York's Livingston Library, will also be on hand to lend their Masonic expertise and experience.

We expect the evening to be by turns somber, interesting, engaging, and informative.

Monday February 20, 2012

The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge
71 W 23rd St., 14th floor
New York, NY 10010
(212) 337-6620

6:30 PM

Monday, February 6, 2012

Electronic Devices in Lodge?

My Brethren,

This was the name of the title on the most recent Masonic Services Association that I received today. It specifically dealt with the increasing use of electronic devices within the Lodge room. I have personally felt that to have a personal device in use within the Lodge untyles the Lodge, and defeats the purpose of solemn and sublime contemplation. How can I be reflective of my inner self when I am indulging and inundating my profane self with the mental distractions of everyday life? In my humble opinion, I don't believe Masonic work can be optimally done under such conditions, although I am sure that there are many who would disagree with me on this topic.

To formally address this issue, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts sent a communication to other Grand Lodges explaining, "Not only for the annoyance of the phone ringing, but also, the member answering and talking during the meetings. Some are constantly texting or reading email. Also, the use of the camera or video to record the meeting or degree work. We have some Lodge officers who have written the ritual into their phones and use them as teleprompters during degree work."

As reported by the MSA, the Grand Master of Massachusetts, the Most Worshipful Brother Richard J. Stewart, issued the following edict on September 14, 2011:

"All cell phones carried into a Lodge room must either be turned off of silenced prior to entering the Lodge room.

The Master will announce prior to opening that all cell phones and other electronic devices are to be shut off or silenced.

If an emergency call is received while the Lodge is in session, the Brother must not answer the call within the Lodge room. He must exit the Lodge room according to proper Masonic protocol and respond to the call outside the Lodge room area.

If a cell phone rings within a Tyled Lodge, the Master will instruct the Lodge Marshal to escort the Brother from the room. Re-admittance of the Brother to the Lodge will be at the discretion of the Master.

Use of cell phones or other devices for texting, audio recording, video recording, or photography within a Tyled Lodge is strictly forbidden, except as has been previously approved for photography. Any reported infraction of this rule is subject to reprimand, suspension, or expulsion from Freemasonry."

I personally applaud the efforts of this Grand Master, although, as I said previously, I am sure there will be a sincere contingency that will disagree with this same sentiment. It will be curious to see what affects the advent of convenient electronic devices will bring upon the governing of both the Lodge room, and the Craft as a whole.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Brother Earnest
Joseph Warren-Gothic Lodge No. 934

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Masonic Restoration Foundation (MRF) update!

As you have seen from previous posts, I had a GREAT time in August 2011 at the MRF Symposium in Alexandria, Virginia. It was a weekend full of excellent opportunity to form the bonds of Brotherly love and friendship. I got to know Brethren that I already knew- better, and I got to meet tons of Brethren that I didn't know previously- one of the many joys of Masonic travel. I recently had a conversations with a Brother from Abravanel Lodge No. 1116, and he informed me that the MRF has posted the dates for the 2012 MRF symposium. As per their posted update: 

MRF Updates


So needless to say, I'm excited! Several of the Brethren that I know have already purchased plane tickets for this event, so it looks like I am inclined to follow suit. As the MRF posts its details, I will do the same hear to ensure that all interested parties are informed. If you didn't make it last year, I strongly encourage you to attend this year! For the cost, and the opportunity of taking fellowship with so many like-minded Brethren, it's a hard to beat Masonic weekend!
...And for those of you that are unawares of what a Traditional Observance Lodge is defined as, here is a link to the MRF's definition of such: Please click here.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Masonic Symposium in Albany

An Educational Gathering on Topics of Freemasonry

The Northeast Masonic Symposium (NEMS) is devoted to providing a forum in the Northeast corner of the US a place for brothers to listen to lectures on topics of Freemasonry.   To learn about Masonic history, expand their knowledge and to be inspired for their own works is the aim of the symposium for all who attend.    NEMS first gathering is taking place in April of 2012 in Upstate NY. 

This event brings lecturers from across the country and will bring together brothers from all over the region. The symposium is constructed with several tracks of lectures, allowing its attendees to select topics of interest to them. The current agenda offers a full day of food, lectures and social opportunities.   

​You won’t want to miss this event!

The cost for attendance is $50 per person (plus applicable payment processing fees) and includes continental breakfast, a commemorative gift, lunch, a cocktail reception, and a full day of lectures.

Business casual, or business suits.

Who Should Attend
The event is currently open to all Master Masons.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Festive Board in Honor of Poet Robert Burns


You are invited to participate in this Festive Board in honor of the birth of our late Brother Robert Burns, poet laureate of Scotland.  This is a traditional meal, observed worldwide, including the traditional Ode to the Haggis accompanied by a bag piper.  Beginning at 9:00 after our meeting.  We will enjoy two hours of free-flowing scotch whisky and beer, and a full three course meal.  The cost of this has been advertised at $55.00 per person with $10.00 benefiting the Seventh District Association.  The lodge will subsidize this cost at $10.00 per person which brings downs the cost to a more affordable $45.00.   Please make your reservations ASAP to


Stephen Rumpf, Master


Aurora Grata-Day Star Lodge No. 647
(Third Kings District)
The Seventh Manhattan District Fellowcraft Club
will be co-hosting the annual
Robbie Burns Festive Board
Wednesday, January 25th, 9PM

Masonic Hall
71 W 23rd St, American Room (19th Fl)

$55.00 per person
(includes appetisers, dinner, desert, open bar & piping)
(Free to AGDS647 members in good standing for 2012)

Brother bring a friend
(Stag / Attire: Tux or Tartan)

RSVP (by 01/11/2012):

Gie her a haggis!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Interest in Shaquille O'Oneil Continues!!

I posted a comment about Shaq, and what's interesting is the number of Brethren on Facebook who have expressed concerns regarding either Shaq's credibility as a representative of Freemasonry, or the manner in which he was made a Mason. Let me state publicly that I do not question either Shaq's credibility or status as a member of this Craft. If a Brother was made in a Regular Lodge, then he is a Brother Mason, period. As a Mason, there is a reality that I must at least FUNCTIONALLy accept- the rights of a Grand Master.  

To relieve confusion and restore good will and peace amongst Brethren, perhaps I should re-word my initial thought: Is National Television the best forum to bring to light such information, particularly in the manner in which it was done? If I wear a diamond encrusted ring of any kind, I can be sure that it will both attract attention and incite inquiry. Am I, in essence, intentionally drawing attention? And once that attention is drawn and I have a captive audience, do I educate the questioner or play coy and naive to the moment at hand?

Friday, January 13, 2012


I have mixed feelings about this situation. There is a side of me that says that a freeborn man, of lawful age, and well recommended, should be able to do whatever he circumscribes for himself. On the other hand, keeping one's passions in due bounds may just mean practicing caution and not bringing excessive attention to the Craft, particularly when that attention is not necessarily presented in a positive light...If you can afford it, why not? On the other hand, Light is Light, and your diamond encrusted square and compasses ring shines no brighter than my silver hollowed square and compasses ring...Thoughts?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Observing the Craft Lecture!!

The Robert R Livingston Masonic Library and Moses
Montefiore Masonic Education Association Present a Lecture 
By Andrew Hammer Entitled "Observing The Craft." 

Brothers please join us on: 

January 24th at 7 PM. 



The lecture will take place at the Masonic Hall in New York
City on 71 W.23st (on the corner of 6th Avenue.)

Monday, January 9, 2012


I found this at X-Oriente Masonic Podcast- Check it out!

Betcha didn't know that Chivas was more than a whiskey…it's a fraternity. Clearly Chivas' "Live with Chivalry" campaign is hitting a chord with young men (Presumably the target of the campaign.) What I find kind of fascinating is that the campaign was done in Euro/RSCG's London office. You know London? That place where Masons seem to be portrayed as sinister characters who have nothing better to do than stalk Lindsay Lohan. (Note to Ms. Lohan: Speaking as a Mason, I can assure you that if I were in London, and if I were the stalking type, I can think of at least 30 women off the top of my head I rather stalk than you. So I think it is pretty safe to say your problem is not with the Brothers).

This is one of those markers that should be an indicator that young men are hungry for what Masonry has to offer. What is important to know is the aspirational quality of the images. Watch the ad:

What is important to point out here is that the images are lush. The experiential qualities speak to an authenticity. These are not the type of guys who are doing one-day classes because it is convenient. These guys aspire to fight fires, jump out of airplanes and go to formal parties. Not really the one day class aesthetic. Discuss.

Masonry will be nothing if it doesn't inspire men to aspire to something better. And if better means it is difficult, well that will make that sip of whiskey at the end of it that much more satisfying.

But I hope if the members of the "Chivas Brotherhood" seek out the real Brotherhood you'll welcome them after their first degree with a proper single malt.

Great Podcast Series!


I have a found a GREAT interview with R:.W:. Brother Jerry Butler on X-Oriente, a masonic podcast. For those of you who do not know, he is an internationally acclaimed Soul pioneer and singer. Although he is from my parents generation, as a child, I grew up listening to his music- my parents didn't buy a lot of new records as adults. I've posted the interview here for your edification. It's pretty good, and provides a perspective of Masonry that I believe is most understood and manifest in our elder Brethren, due to their years of accumulated wisdom derived through life experience.

Keep looking to the East!

Here's what the interviewer had to say:

"Back in November I had the opportunity to sit down with M.W. Bro. Jerry Butler. Bro Butler is one of the founding members of the Impressions, a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, A Past Grandmaster of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge in Illinois, and a Cook County Board Commissioner. He is also a wise, compassionate and wickedly funny guy.
I went to see him to learn more about how Prince Hall Masonry differs from my own. What I found is that we many more similarities than differences. Special thanks to Bro. Butler, to Bro. Ryan Priester, To the guys of North Star Lodge No. 1 and to Arc Music for granting permission to play some of Jerry’s Music. If you’d like to explore, it can be found on the iTunes Music Store
This episode was brought to you by Stone Guild Publishing, publishers of Morals and Dogma for the 21st Century . Please visit them and help support X-Oriente!"